Latest ELC Work

In early November, ELC staff Deborah Curran and current articling student Chad Wilkinson travelled to Sechelt to present to elected officials, planning staff, and citizens in several local governments of the Sunshine Coast Regional District >

ELC Spotlight

The ELC recently supported the launch of two new environmental law clinics in Bhutan and Thailand, which are the first in their Asian countries. As part of the ELC’s long-term relationship with these Clinics ELC Executive Director Deborah Curran travelled to both countries in August to provide advice about the development of the clinics and >

2024 Elc Club At Pielc

Supporting Student Travel to the University of Oregon for the Annual Public Interest Environmental Law Conference

With support from the Environmental Law Centre, Ng Ariss Fong, and ELC Club fundraising efforts, students travelled once again in 2024 to the Public Interest Environmental Law Conference at the University of Oregon. This year, the conference honoured former ELC legal director Calvin Sandborn with a lifetime achievement award. 25 students from the UVic Environmental >