ELC Releases Report and Hosts Public Forum on Home Heating Oil Spills

November 13, 2012

At a public forum Wednesday night, the Gorge Tillicum Community Association and the Environmental Law Centre will call for steps to be taken to prevent home heating oil spills from aging tanks and systems before they happen. “Home heating oil spills are a major threat to local salmon streams,” says Rob Wickson of the Gorge Tillicum Community Association. “The oil runs off into our storm water systems, where it is carried out into local streams. Last year 1000 litres of oil from one these spills ended up in Swan Creek and Colquitz River during spawning season killing Coho and preventing a number of them from laying their eggs.” In addition to environmental hazards, aging tanks also pose a serious financial risk for property owners. Clean up costs – usually in the tens of thousands of dollars – typically fall upon the shoulders of the property owner, and are rarely covered by insurance. At a town-hall style meeting with local experts and community members, the Environmental Law Centre and Gorge Tillicum Community Association will present a report offering some preventative solutions and suggestions for law reform. When: November 14th at 7PM Where: Room 159, Murray Anne Fraser Law Building, University of Victoria

ELC Report: Preventing Home Heating Oil Spills in BC (PDF)