Seaweed Harvesting: new industry in need of better regulation

Seaweed Harvesting: A New Industry that Needs Better Regulation

December 5, 2013

As global demand for seaweed expands, a new commercial seaweed harvesting industry is emerging on Vancouver Island. An ELC report by student Piet Brusse warns that this harvest could have serious impacts on fisheries and sensitive coastal ecosystems if government oversight does not improve. Contrary to its own policies, the provincial government is approving harvest licences without adequate study of environmental impacts. And the federal government has failed to adequately investigate and address scientistsÂ’ concerns that some harvesting activities are likely non-compliant with Fisheries Act habitat protection provisions. Hampered by cutbacks in staff, DFO has failed to seriously consider the scientific issues that have been raised and to gather relevant evidence. The ELC report analyzes the failures of governments to ensure that all harvesting is sustainable and recommends measures that need to be implemented before a commercial harvest industry is established. Click here to read the report.


2013 June 23, Cashing in on seaweed isn’t so green, study says, Globe and Mail, Mark Hume