ELC Spring 2020 Coop Student Alexa Powell

Thanks to funding from the Law Foundation of British Columbia, we were able to hire coop student Alexa Powell this past spring. Despite the challenges of suddenly shifting to online work partway into her term, Alexa adjusted quickly and was a great asset to the ELC.

ELC coop students work as part of a team with our staff, Articled Student and Clinic Students. We’re grateful to the Law Foundation for allowing us to offer paid work to students who want the practical experience of assisting real clients while they are still in law school. This extra support also gives us greater capacity to provide capacity to clients who need our services.

In Spring 2020, I was the co-op student at the UVic Environmental Law Centre. I could not have anticipated the variety of experiences I was able to gain. I grew both personally and professionally and learned so much about the environmental law landscape in BC. I was lucky to meet with, and learn from, so many knowledgeable clients and ENGOs. I gained experience drafting Freedom of Information requests, legal memorandums, and law reform reports. Working closely with the incredible team at the ELC was both fun and enriching!