Category Archives : Land

Finding the Money to Buy and Protect Natural Lands

Report prepared for the Ancient Forest Alliance examining the urgent need for a provincial Natural Lands Acquisition Fund in BC. The report includes 17 recommendations and a number of options the Province could implement to raise funds on an annual basis. >

Protecting the Islands off of Oak Bay (Tl’ches and the other Songhees Islands)

Report researching legal options for providing better environmental protection of the islands and water off of Oak Bay while respecting First Nations land uses, cultural sites, rights and title. The area in question includes the triangle formed by Chatham/Discovery (Tl’ches) >

Maintaining Natural BC for Our Children

Maintaining Natural BC for Our Children: Selected Law Reform Proposals

This book is a series of 35 short articles that describe key environmental law reforms the next provincial government should consider. This book is put forward as an educational service to inform the public, government and decision makers about solutions >