Category Archives : Law reform

Cover Reducing Wildfire Damage

Reducing Wildfire by Encouraging Prescribed and Cultural Burning

Law reform recommendations to combat the ever-increasing scale of mega-fires that ravage the province each year through supporting prescribed and cultural burning, which has been an essential part of British Columbia’s ecosystems since time immemorial, and is one of many >

Cover Protetcting Cultural Heritage

Protecting Indigenous Cultural Heritage Resources on Private Land

In recent years, Indigenous Nations in British Columbia have made great progress in providing better management and protection for cultural heritage resources, such as artifacts, spiritual sites, initiation sites, transformation sites, burial grounds, cultural practice sites, ceremonial bathing sites, and >

Elk Valley Wildsight

Canada’s Failure to Control Elk Valley Coal Mine Pollution

This summer, the ELC asked the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development and the Auditor General of Canada for an inquiry Into Canada’s failure to control Elk Valley’s coal mine pollution. The comprehensive submission, prepared on behalf of Wildsight, >

Entrega Demanda Mari Luz Canaquiri Plano Abierto

Recognizing Indigenous Laws and Jurisdictions: Examples and Opportunities

The ELC’s work primarily serves British Columbia, but it often has much wider usefulness and impact. Such was the case that led to our recent collaborative work with the Justice and Corporate Accountability Project (JCAP) on an Amicus Curiae brief >