
Sunshine Coast Green Bylaws Cover Thumb

Green Bylaws for the Sunshine Coast

Prepared for Community Development Forum, Halfmoon Bay, in collaboration with the Sunshine Coast Conservation Association, Green Bylaws for the Sunshine Coast provides an overview of the green bylaws approach and sets out five recommendations to help protect sensitive ecosystems while addressing the region’s need for increased development and affordable housing.

Fraser River Cumulative Impacts Cover Thumb

Fraser River Protection: An Initial Assessment of the Legal Failure for Cumulative Impacts

Prepared for member and former chief of the Xatśūll Nation Bev Sellars, who initiated this work as part of a larger Indigenous-led initiative to protect the Fraser River. REPORT SUMMARY: Review of Permitted Effluent Discharge into the Fraser River Watershed The Fraser River is the ecological, cultural and economic heart of British Columbia and is >

2023 24 Annual Report

2023-24 Annual Report

As we take an end-of-fiscal-year deep breath, we’re also taking a moment to reflect. If we had to choose a theme for this past year, it would have to be transition. Along with our usual activities of teaching students and helping communities tackle environmental law problems, we celebrated a retiring colleague, launched Cohort 9 of ELC >