
Cover 2021 02 02 Coles Bay Provincial Copy

Cleaning Up Coles Bay: The Urgent Need to Restore Traditional Shellfish Harvesting Sites of the Pauquachin First Nation

A submission on behalf of the Pauquachin First Nation to the Ministers of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation; Health; Environment and Climate Change Strategy; Land, Water and Resource Stewardship; and Agriculture and Food.

Cover of Reforming The Competition Act To Defend Climate showing flooding, a glacier and signs for draught and fire risk

Reforming the Competition Act to Defend Climate: The Need to Regulate Deceptive Ads

There is clearly no issue facing Canadians that is of higher importance than dealing with climate change. The Government of Canada’s current initiative to reform the Competition Act presents a unique opportunity to reform the Act’s provisions to better deter deceptive advertising – particularly deceptive advertising that poses a direct threat to global climate stability. >

Cover Reducing Wildfire Damage

Reducing Wildfire by Encouraging Prescribed and Cultural Burning

Law reform recommendations to combat the ever-increasing scale of mega-fires that ravage the province each year through supporting prescribed and cultural burning, which has been an essential part of British Columbia’s ecosystems since time immemorial, and is one of many Indigenous land management practices proven to increase biodiversity globally.

Cover Protetcting Cultural Heritage

Protecting Indigenous Cultural Heritage Resources on Private Land

In recent years, Indigenous Nations in British Columbia have made great progress in providing better management and protection for cultural heritage resources, such as artifacts, spiritual sites, initiation sites, transformation sites, burial grounds, cultural practice sites, ceremonial bathing sites, and culturally significant landscapes. Protecting Cultural Heritage Resources on Private Land: Potential Strategies and Tools for >

Cover 2022 Elc Lawyer Posting

Job Posting: ELC Clinic Lawyer

The Environmental Law Centre is inviting applications for a full-time Environmental Law Clinic Lawyer. This is a unique opportunity to practice public interest environmental law full time within an institutional setting working with passionate students, colleagues and clients. Please see the posting for more information. Review of applications will continue until the position is filled.