A recent ELC report prepared for the Coquitlam River Watershed Roundtable (CRWR) shows how communities can consider wildlife and watersheds when they establish or expand environmental policy.
“The report provides some real practical examples that the Roundtable can take forward to community planners, policy makers and political decision makers that can hopefully lead to greater environmental consideration for watershed health for a healthy livable community,” says a member of CRWR’s Development Project Sub-Committee.
The CRWR is an independent entity that coordinates and implements activities to promote the long-term sustainability of the Coquitlam River watershed. With members from local, regional, provincial and federal government, First Nations, industry, NGOs and others, the CRWR aims to improve collaboration and problem solving among the many interests in the watershed.
The report was intended to support the CRWR’s work on development standards for the Northwest Burke area. It was circulated and used as a companion to notes for participants in a developer’s workshop and will be shared with local governments.
“Bringing the importance of input from First Nations in development planning was also much needed and will be a new perspective for decision makers and developers to acknowledge their role to provide input on the development of private lands,” says the Sub-Committee member.
“This report will certainly assist to raise capacity for the Roundtable to effectively engage and inform decision makers with credible, sound advice and recommendations.”