Whole-of-River-Protection for the Fraser River: A Scan of Legal Protection
A report prepared on behalf of Bev Sellars, President of Moccasin Footprint Society, outlining a range of approaches for whole-of-river protection initiatives.
A report prepared on behalf of Bev Sellars, President of Moccasin Footprint Society, outlining a range of approaches for whole-of-river protection initiatives.
A submission prepared on the behalf of the BC First Nations Energy and Mining Council regarding the need for a moratorium on placer mining claims and leases in BC.
A submission on behalf of the Pauquachin First Nation to the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans; Minister of Environment and Climate Change; Minister of Health; and Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations regarding the rehabilitation of shellfish habitat on the Saanich Peninsula >
A submission on behalf of the Pauquachin First Nation to the Ministers of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation; Health; Environment and Climate Change Strategy; Land, Water and Resource Stewardship; and Agriculture and Food.
A submission on behalf of the Pauquachin First Nation to the District of North Saanich regarding the rehabilitation of shellfish habitat on the Saanich Peninsula.
Indigenous cultural heritage resources are not adequately protected in BC, but a recently released report prepared in partnership with the Tŝilhqot’in National Government and in consultation with other BC Nations aims to change that. Protecting Indigenous Cultural Heritage Resources on >
In recent years, Indigenous Nations in British Columbia have made great progress in providing better management and protection for cultural heritage resources, such as artifacts, spiritual sites, initiation sites, transformation sites, burial grounds, cultural practice sites, ceremonial bathing sites, and >
At the end of August, the ELC appeared before a United Nations Reactive Monitoring Mission hearing on behalf of the Mikisew Cree First Nation to present findings from a recently released ELC report on how to regulate any proposed release >
A report prepared on behalf of the Mikisew Cree First Nation regarding optimal rules for treatment and disposal of oil sands process affected waters currently stored in tailings ponds in and around their territory.
The ELC’s work primarily serves British Columbia, but it often has much wider usefulness and impact. Such was the case that led to our recent collaborative work with the Justice and Corporate Accountability Project (JCAP) on an Amicus Curiae brief >